Message from the Chair 

I welcome you to the 1st International Conference on The Global Advances in Health and Life Sciences (LifeHealth Global2024). On behalf of the organising committee, I extend my warmest greetings to all of you as we gather to strengthen our commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Our conference is a global platform that brings together academics, researchers, and professionals from diverse sectors. This year, we aim to provide an international platform to researchers, academicians, and experts from the field of health and life sciences to present the findings and research that aligns with the UN sustainable development goals, including Good Health and Well-Being (SDG3), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG9), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG17).

I sincerely thank all our presenters for their invaluable contributions, which sparked discussions on crucial issues related to cutting-edge research and innovations transforming health and biological sciences. I would also like to thank our distinguished keynote speakers for sharing their profound insights and enriching our collective understanding.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the LifeHealth Global2024 organising committee and masters of ceremonies for their unwavering dedication. Your efforts are integral to the success of this conference, and I am confident that together, we will once again create an environment conducive to research, collaboration, and the pursuit of a sustainable future.

Here's to a conference filled with enlightening discussions and collaborative endeavours. Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey.

Professor Dr. Lee Shiou Yih,

Conference Chair,

LifeHealth Global2024

Our Aim

To provide an international platform to researchers, academicians, and experts from the field of health and life sciences to present the findings and research that aligns with the UN sustainable development goals, including Good Health and Well-Being (SDG3), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG9), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG17).

Who should join?

Innovators, managers, researchers, scientists, academics, students.